
The world awaits.

Who am I

  1. Leadership

    I believe that leadership is not a title but a choice. The only way to be a good leader is to inspire others with your actions and dedication to follow autonomously. I choose to be a leader, not a task issuer.

  2. UX / UI

    The design is a visual expression of everything that we feel we want to put out there. Sometimes it needs to be professional and cold or other times it needs to call your artsy self. I believe that it needs to be YOU.

  3. Writing

    I really enjoy writing but I would never call myself a writer. I think however that written stories do have some magic in them that no other form of art can convey. It allows me to build worlds I'd never show otherwise.

  4. Glue that holds it all together

    I suppose almost everyone has some sort of compass in their lives. That something that drives us and keeps us honest. For me, it's my family. I design, I code, I write but I would never move forward without my family.